
The relationship between Android-Window and FPS

Ace搬砖中 2020-06-15
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Often asked (this article is only for discussing the Android platform):

"How did the frame rate of the PerfDog test come from, What frame rate is tested?"

"How to measure the frame rate of Mini Game?"

"How to measure the frame rate of Mini Program?"

"How to measure the frame rate of traditional APP?"

"How to measure the frame rate of WEB?"

"How to measure the frame rate of Mobile Game?"

For these questions, it is really not easy to answer in one sentence, first need to figure out what the Android-Window is. Below I have a brief overview, You can also check on the Internet.

In general, the Android main window Activity and the corresponding View have a special View, such as SurfaceView. It will occupy a Surface by itself, do not share the Surface with the main window, Independent rendering is very efficient and supports OpenglES rendering. In other words, there may be two types of window FPS. One is Activety window frame rate and SurfaceView window frame rate.

Under what circumstances will there be the situation of both types of windows? In general, there are two types of applications, such as Mobile Games, Live APPs, Video APPs, and Mini Games. In special cases, multiple Activities and multiple SurfaceViews may appear, which causes great difficulty in calculating the frame rate and requires a certain strategy to obtain the frame rate.

For Mobile Games, Live APPs, Video APPs, and Mini Games and other types of applications, PerfDog acquires the FPS of SurfaceView by default. The other traditional APP or Web application obtains the Activity frame rate.

At the same time, PerfDog's high-level function supports users to choose the frame rate of the window type, especially for Mini Games, Mini Programs, etc., which can more accurately test the target window frame rate, as shown below (WeChat Mini Game - Dou dizhu):

For Mobile Games, Live APPs, Video APPs, and Mini Games, please choose SurfaceView.

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